The Two Stages Of Spirituality (illustrated in the short clip below)

Spirituality, that's about serenity, (seeking) an understanding of who we are from a bigger perspective, connecting to a higher part of ourselves and existence: feeling blissful as we learn, grow and evolve into a more enlightened version of ourselves, right?

Yeah, think again ;). At least when we really get into it and dive deep into the celestial waters that truly transform our earthly selves; according to my philosophy and experience, that is. Although the above is absolutely true, in part. I have found it to be an amazing, earth-shattering process but it doesn't always look how we think it should; like any process that results in profound change, in my opinion. I like to compare it to a building undergoing major renovations: it's quite the mess for quite some time before it starts to look good right? And just like a spiritual journey, such renovations do come with its moments of elation: when something awesome is revealed while stripping it to its core or a stage is completed, for example. But it also comes with the not-so-fun discovery of skeletons in unknown closets or other unexpected setbacks and problems. So overall, and aside from those periods of excitement that can feel transformative ―like you've hit some spiritual jackpot ―not always pretty. And that's an understatement*.

To me, there are (very) roughly two stages that characterize our spiritual journey, alternating at seemingly random and accompanied by the full spectrum of human emotions. Which I believe we are meant to feel and go through; definitely not to push them away or try to neutralize them by adapting the so popular 'just stay, or be, positive' –it won't work anyway. And I've been told by several people throughout my life I am always (way) too optimistic, so not because I don't believe in positivity. I actually believe being positive is our natural state, so we'll naturally be that the closer you get to who you truly are. To make it more interesting ―and I think highly confusing ―that alternation ramps up the further you get along, while getting more intense; in my experience that is (and again: when we really get into it and dive deep into the celestial waters through which we truly transform ourselves, not the superficial or surface-level kind I think may be what it is easily and often confused with).

Why ?
Well, maybe the divine, God, the universe ―however you like to call it ―has a bit of a weird and twisted sense of humor ;). Or... it may have to do with shedding the layers we were taught to believe as we work through, heal and release our shadows and karma. Which naturally comes with emotional valleys, or even what is referred to as a dark night of the soul. I think this amplification of emotions and more intense challenging stuff that comes up the further we get, while I expected and was told it would become easier, may have something to do with:

'... the brighter we allow our light to shine, the larger the shadow it casts'
from Longing For Home, Unity I Am

And it can get really dark. Though hów dark and in what way, can ―and I think will ―greatly depend on how much we took on as a soul and what we came here to learn, transform and do. It could be both.

Either way, I think humor is always great way to approach any subject, so here's my (not entirely serious) take on spirituality and its two main stages:

* while it's so important to know because an already convoluted and intricate process only gets more confusing ―and frustrating ―if we are unaware of this and what factors play a part in what we experience and why, or what we can manifest at any given time and what this requires.

** in any case, I'm not a fan of the idea we create/do everything ourselves, I used to believe that, since it's what all spiritual teacher and their granny is and keeps repeating ad nauseam, but I think that's way too simplistic.

I think when it comes to explanations, answers and solutions we would all benefit from a more humble approach and a lot less certainty, especially when it comes to spirituality and universal laws.

'Still, not all secrets found inside
or in a specific approach to life, as
most teachings like to claim, popularized
by those themselves still gaining knowledge.
As we all are: it's part of being alive.

As within so without, yet the
opposite equally true: healing felt
through our connection with others;
wisdom found in nature, science, as well as
stunning artistry all around –answers
never held in one place. Not even in
the wholeness and perfection of self.'
fragment from Elysium, Unity I Am